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Senator Tim Carpenter SD-3

Senator LaTonya Johnson SD-6

Senator Chris Larson SD-7

Senator Janis Ringhand SD-15

Senator Bob Wirch SD-22

Senator Kelda Roys SD-26

Senator Brad Pfaff SD-32

Representative Daniel Riemer AD-7

Representative Sylvia Ortiz-Velez AD-8

Representative Evan Goyke AD-18

Representative Jonathan Brostoff AD-19

Representative Christine Sinicki AD-20

Representative Deb Andraca AD-23

Representative Don Vruwink AD-43


Representative Sue Conley AD-44      

Representative Mark Spreitzer AD-45

Representative Gary Hebl AD-46

Representative Gordon Hintz AD-54

Representative Tod Ohnstad AD-65

Representative Nick Milroy AD-73

Representative Beth Meyers AD-74

Representative Lisa Subeck AD-78

Representative Sondy Pope AD-80

Representative Kristina Shelton AD-90

Representative Jodi Emerson AD-91

Representative Steve Doyle AD-94

Representative Jill Billings AD-95


Robert Schweder, Green Lake County Supervisor

Charlie Wielgosh, Green Lake County Supervisor

Jon Sheller, Marquette County Supervisor

Ken Keller, Marinette County Supervisor

Jeff Johnson, Marathon County Supervisor

Bob Gifford, Portage County Supervisor

Daniel Martinson, Portage County Supervisor

Kate Beaton, Eau Claire City Alderperson

Emily Berge, Eau Claire City Alderperson

Jeremy Gragert, Eau Claire City Alderperson

Jerome Krempasky, Clark County Supervisor

Michelle Greendeer-Rave, Jackson County Supervisor

Rick Cornforth, LaCrosse County Supervisor

Geri Kozelka, Crawford County Supervisor

Rose Oliveto, Lancaster Alderperson

Joyce Hall, City of Hudson Alderperson

Bob Rogers, Barron County Supervisor

Annette Hunt, Chippewa County Supervisor

David Holt, Rhinelander Alderperson

Eric Lindell, Ashland Alderperson

Richard Huber, Ashland County Supervisor

Kathy Schutte, Ashland County Supervisor

Steve Sandstrom, Bayfield County Supervisor

Alicia Halvensleben, Waukesha Alderperson

Larry Nelson, Waukesha County Supervisor

Nate Fiene - Village of Weston Trustee

Bryan Kennedy - Mayor of Glendale

Mason Becker - Fort Atkinson Councilman

Khary Penebaker, Democratic Party Leader
Matt Mareno, Chair, Waukesha Co. Dems

Sachin Chheda, Former Chair, Milwaukee Co. Dems

Justin Koestler, Former Chair, 5th CD Dems

Barbara Lawton, Former Lieutenant Governor

Barb Notestein, Former Assembly Assistant Majority Leader

Dave Hansen, Former Wisconsin State Senator

David Crowley, Milwaukee County Executive

Cavalier Johnson, Milwaukee Mayor

Jason Haas, Milwaukee County Supervisor

Israel Ramón, Milwaukee County Register of Deeds

Dr. Sheldon Wasserman, Milwaukee County Supervisor
JoCasta Zamarripa, Milwaukee Alderperson

Clinton Anderson, Beloit City Council President

Brittany Keyes, Beloit City Councilor

Megan Miller, Beloit School Board President

Emily Kuhn, Middleton Alderperson

Richelle Andrae, Dane County Supervisor

Nicki Vander Meulen, Clerk, MMSD School Board

Bryant Hazard, Sauk County Supervisor

Shabnam Lotfi, Village of Shorewood Hills Trustee
Aaron Wojciechowski, Oshkosh City Councilor

Dave Homan, Rock County Supervisor
Jacob Taylor, Rock County Supervisor

Robert Potter, Rock County Supervisor

Yuri Rashkin, Rock County Supervisor

Danette Rynes, Rock County Supervisor

Ed Kabicki, Kenosha County Supervisor

Rollin Pizzalla, Kenosha Alderperson
Mike Hallquist, Brookfield Alderperson

Justice Madl, West Bend Alderperson

Julie Gordon, Winnebago County Supervisor

Hope Karth, Calumet County Supervisor

Emily Voight, Calumet County Supervisor

David Nickels, Manitowoc County Supervisor

Donna Richards, Fond du Lac Alderperson

Mary Bobholz, Dodge County Supervisor


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