I have dedicated my career to solving problems. As a proud mom, small business owner, policymaker and public health professional, I put the health, well-being, and dignity of every resident at the center of decision-making as Wisconsin's Lieutenant Governor.
As a nurse, I believe that no one should have to go into debt just to get the medical care they need. In the Assembly, I led the fight to expand BadgerCare, and as Lieutenant Governor I will continue to fight for affordable, quality health care access for all. I view many issues through the lens of public health, including gun violence and community safety, mental health and substance abuse, and climate change. As Lieutenant Governor I will work every day to improve the quality of life for every person in Wisconsin.
A fully funded public education system is critical to creating thriving communities. As Lieutenant Governor, I will advocate for birth through college opportunities and skills training so that all students and families have equitable access to education throughout their life, and ensure that every child has access to the social support and mental health resources they need to live healthy lives.
We should treat Wisconsin educators like the superheroes they are and support students like our future depends on it - because it does.
Raised in a union-values family, I know that family-supporting wages are the foundation for a vibrant middle class in Wisconsin and that small businesses are the lifeblood of our communities. As Lieutenant Governor, I will support investments in technical assistance, and workforce and talent development to foster entrepreneur and small business growth and success in Wisconsin.
I am the only pro-choice woman running for Lieutenant Governor. As a healthcare professional, I know that the decision to start a family shouldn’t be made by a politician. In the Assembly, I co-authored legislation to repeal Wisconsin's 1849 law criminalizing abortion. As Lieutenant Governor I will always protect the right of every Wisconsinite to make their own healthcare decisions and defend against attacks on reproductive rights.
Climate change directly affects Wisconsin's recreation and agriculture industries. Our strongest strategy is one where every family and business can be part of our clean energy future. Where we invest in 21st century green job training and development to create good paying jobs and power our future, and protect our public lands that provide billions to our economy and sustain tens-of-thousands of jobs. As Lieutenant Governor I will safeguard our state’s valuable natural resources that sustain our economy, health, recreation, and quality of life; and address critical water infrastructure needs and drinking water, storm and wastewater improvements to ensure everyone can access safe, clean drinking water.