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Thank you for helping circulate nomination papers for Sara Rodriguez to help get her on the ballot for Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin. Sara needs to collect at least 2,000 signatures from across the state to appear on the ballot. We are working to gather the maximum allowed 4,000 signatures.
Here are some important instructions to keep in mind when circulating nomination papers:
As a petition circulator you must be eligible to vote in Wisconsin. That means you are at least 18 years of age, a U.S. citizen, and not currently serving any portion of a sentence for a felony offense.
You do not need to be currently registered to vote in Wisconsin or any other state.
Petition signers must be “qualified electors” and reside within the State of Wisconsin.
A signer does not need to be registered to vote to sign the petition but must be eligible to register and vote. That generally means a person who is 18 years or older, a U.S. Citizen, who has lived in Wisconsin for at least 28 days, and has not lost the right to vote due to a criminal felony conviction for which the person is currently on probation, parole, or extended supervision.
Petition signers may only sign the nomination papers for one candidate for Lieutenant Governor.
As a petition circulator you must personally witness each signature, this means papers cannot be left unattended for signature collection.
Please do not pre-sign and date the bottom of the petition. Only sign and date after you have collected all of the signatures you intend to, and you are preparing to return the petition to the campaign. If the petition includes any signatures dated after your signature date, those signatures will be invalid.
Make sure the names and addresses are legible and that all information is filled out in its entirety. The phone number and email fields are not mandatory; all other fields are required by the Wisconsin Election Commission and the signature may not be counted if any information is incomplete
Before returning completed petitions, make sure you have signed and dated the bottom of the page. Please do not number the pages in the bottom right-hand corner; the campaign will enter page numbers later.
You do not need to fill all signature lines on a page before returning. Partially completed pages can be returned.
You may gather signatures by going door to door, circulating them at events or gatherings, or on public property. If you are on private property, you should obtain the property owners’ permission before gathering signatures.
We request that nomination papers be returned to us by MAY 24, 2022 to allow time to validate signatures and process the forms before submitting them to the Wisconsin Election Commission. Please mail all completed nomination papers to: PO Box 1404, Brookfield, WI 53008. If you have questions about the signature gathering rules or would like suggestions about where to gather signatures, please contact the campaign at